4-H and FFA Members

Fair 2023 Scholarships for FFA and 4-H Youth Members

The Salem County Fair Association is making available two (2) one thousand-dollar ($1,000) scholarships for current 4-H and FFA members. Eligibility and selection details are outlined in the enclosed scholarship application.

The deadline for applications is June 16, 2023. Completed applications should be emailed to John Richman at jrichman@growmarkfs.com

Download the application and further instructions here:

Barrel Painting

Help decorate the garbage barrels at the fairgrounds to keep them looking fresh and fun.
This is a friendly competition open to 4-H Clubs and FFA Chapters in Salem County.

FFA chapters and 4-H clubs clubs reserve barrels by emailing njagteacher@verizon.net by June 23, 2023.

Read the rules here:

For County Fair 2024: Financial Assistance Request Information

Applications for financial aid must be for funds to attend an event for 4-H, FFA or a breed association.

Only one application per person per year and there is a $250 maximum per request.

Applicants must present their request in person at a Fair Association meeting and it is appreciated if they report back after the event as to how the event went.

4-H Overnight Permission Form

For youth AND adults who plan to stay overnight with their animals on behalf of 4-H. ONE form per individual, youth or adult.

4-H Adult Overnight Permission Form